Amazing God Series

Welcome to the Amazing God of Revelation Series with Pastor Dan Smith.

Who is Dan Smith?

May 1, 2024     7 pm: A Lion or a Lamb?  (Revelation 4-5)
¿Un León o un Cordero? (Apocalipsis 4-5)
May 2, 2024


7 pm:  Seven out of Seven  (Revelation 2-3)
Siete de siete  (Apocalipsis 2-3)
May 3, 2024
7 pm:  Don't Lose Your Own Soul
¡No Pierdas Tu Propia Alma!
May 4, 2024 0930 am:  Look What They've Done to Jesus
Mira Lo Que Le Han Hecho a Jesús
May 4, 2024

11:00 am  Armageddon I, II, III
Armagedón I, II, III

May 4, 2024 3:00 pm  Don't Walk Away
No Te Alejes