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Use the links below to view messages from prior years.
Dates with a "B" are Bilingual English/Espanol
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | Special Seminars | Unveiling the Sanctuary |
Date | Links | Speaker | Scripture | Topic: (Some services may be bilingual) |
02-15-2025 | Pr Basil Bell | 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 | Secrets to a Happy Marriage | |
02-15-2025 | Pr Basil Bell | 1 Corintios 13: 4-7 | Secretos para un matrimonio feliz | |
02-08-2025 | Pr Harold Zapata | 1 John 4:8 | Words of Affirmation | |
02-08-2025 | Pr Harold Zapata | 1 Juan 4:8 | Palabras de Afirmacion | |
02-01-2025 | Pr Harold Zapata | Mateo 28:20 | Terminando la Obra Final en el Espiritu y Poder de Elias | |
02-01-2025B | Pr Harold Zapata | Matthew 28:20 | Breaking the Modern Yoke of Baal (Bilingual) | |
01-25-2025 | Pr Zapata | Revelation 21 | Heaven and Eternity | |
01-25-2025 | Pr Zapata | Apocalipsis 21 | El cielo y la eternidad | |
01-18-2025B | Pr Basil Bell | Revelation 20 Apocalipsis 20 |
The Millennium and the End of Sin El Milenio y el Fin del Pecado |
01-11-2025 | Pr Harold Zapata | John 15:7 | The Secret Key to Answered Prayer | |
01-11-2025 | Pr Harold Zapata | Juan 15:7 | La Have Secreta para oraciones Respondidas | |
01-04-2025B | Pr Basil Bell | Matthew 18:19,20 Mateo 18:19,20 |
Prayer Changes Things La Oracion Cambia lad Cosas |