Past Sermons-Sermones Pasados

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Use the links below to view messages from prior years. 
Dates with a "B" are Bilingual English/Espanol

         2023 2022 2021 2020 Special Seminars Unveiling the Sanctuary


Date Links Speaker Scripture Topic: (Some services may be bilingual)
10-19-2024 Pr Harold Zapata Revelation 1: 17,18 Death and Resurrection
10-19-2024 Pr Harold Zapata Apocalipsis 1:17,18 El Mundo Extrano del Ocultismo
10-05-2024 Pr Harold Zapata John 14:1-3 The Second Coming of Jesus
10-05-2024 Pr Harold Zapata Juan 14:1-3 La Segunda Venida de Jesús
09-21-2024 Pr Harold Zapata Proverbs 24:5 Marriage and the Family
09-21-2024 Pr Harold Zapata Proverblos 24:5 El Matrimonio Y La Familia
09-14-2024 Pr Basil Bell 1 Corinthians 10:31 How to Live the Christian Life
09-14-2024 Pr Basil Bell 1 Corintios 10:31 Cómo Vivir la Vida Cristiana
09-07-2024 Pr Harold Zapata 1 Corinthians 4:2 When You Give to a King
09-07-2024 Pr Harold Zapata 1 Corintios 4:2 Cuando le das a un Rey
08-31-2024 B Pr Basil Bell Exodus 20:8-11
Éxodo 20: 8-11
The God of Our Rest
El Dios de nuestro descanso
08-24-2024 Pr Harold Zapata Hebrews 7:22 The Eternal Covenant
08-24-2024 Pr Harold Zapata Hebreos 7:22 El Pacto Eterno
08-17-2024 B Pr Nancy Chadwick 1 Corinthians 13:12

Face to Face
Cara a cara

08-11-2024 B Pr Harold Zapata 1 Thess 5:20-21 The Spirit of Prophecy
08-10-2024 Pr Harold Zapata 1 John 3:6-9 The Divine Seed That Remains


Pr Harold Zapata 1 Juan 3:6-9 La Simiente Divina Que Permanece
08-03-2024 B Pr Basil Bell 1 Corinthians 12 Spiritual Gifts
Dones Espirituales
07-27-2024 Pr Charles Schultz Genesis 50:19,20 Only God Knows
07-27-2024 Pr Zapata Juan 17:21,21 La Santa Cena del Señor
07-20-2024 B Pr Zapata John 17:20
Juan 17:20

Unity in the Body of Christ
La unidad en el cuerpo de Cristo

07-13-2024 Pr Zapata Mal 4:5-6 The Return of Elijah
07-13-2024 Pr Zapata Mal 4:5-6 El Regreso de Elias
07-06-2024 B Pastor Bell John 8:32
Juan 8:32
Free Indeed
Gratis De Hecho
06-29-2024 B Pastor Nancy Chadwick and VBS Team John 8:12
Juan 8:12
Jesus is the Light of the World
Jesús es la Luz del mundo
June 22, 2024 B Pr Basil Bell

Acts 22:16
Hechos 22:16

Why Baptism?
¿Por qué el Bautismo?  PDF Aqui

June 15, 2024  Pr Harold Zapata 1 Peter 1:1-5 Chosen by an Eternal Father
June 15, 2024 Pr Harold Zapata 1 Pedro 1:1-5 Escogidos por un Padre eterno
05-25-2024 B Pr Basil Bell Romans 11:5 The Remnant
El Remanente
05-18-2024 Pr Harold Zapata John 6:41-42 Ekklesia: The Called Ot Ones
05-18-2024 Ladislao Maldonado Éxodo 20:7 Jesús, el nombre más hermoso
05-11-2024 B Pr Zapata Gal 5 & Heb 12

Who's Your Mother?
Quien Nuestra Madra?

05-01 to 05-04-2024 B GO Pr Dan Smith Revelation

The Amazing God of Revelation Series
El Asombroso Dios de la Revelación Serie

04-27-2024 B Pr Bell Micah 7:18
Miqueas 7:18
Part 10: Salvation's Metaphors
Parte 10: Las metáforas de la salvación
04-20-2024 Pr Harold Zapata John 15:3-5 Part 9:  Growing in Christ
04-20-2024 Pr Harold Zapata Juan 15:3-5 Parte 9:  Creciendo en Cristo
04-13-2024 B Pr Basil Bell Revelation 12

Part 8:  The Spiritual Battle Between Good and Evil
Parte 8 La Batalla Espiritual Entre el Bien y el Mal

04-06-2024 Pr Harold Zapata John 14:6 8. Christ's Mission for You


Pr Harold Zapata Juan 14:6 8. La Mision de Cristo Para Ti
03-30-2024 B Pastor Ernie Castillo 1 Corinthians 15:14 Why is there a Seventh-day Adventist Church?
03-23-2024 Pr Harold Zapata Ephesians 2:1-7 7. Redeeming Sinful Human Flesh
03-23-2024 Pr Harold Zapata Efesios 2:1-7 7.  Redimiendo la naturaleza humana pecaminosa 
03-16-2024 B Pr Nancy Chadwick Philippians 4:13

The Greatest Story Ever Told
La historia mas grande jamas contada
Adventure Club Induction of new members

03-09-2024 Pr Basil Bell

Jeremiah 32:17

6.  The Good News of Creation
03-09-2023 Pr Basil Bell Jeremias 32:17 6.  Las buenas nuevas sobre la creación
03-02-2024 B


Pr Zapata
28 Bible Teachings
John 14:16
Juan 14:16
5. God the Holy Spirit: The Eternal Comforter
Dios el Espíritu Santo: El Consolador Eterno


Pr Zapata
28 Bible Teachings
John 3: 13 4:  God the Son: The Eternal Champion


Pr Zapata
28 Enseñanzas Bíblicas
Juan 3:13 4: Dios Hijo: El Campeon Eterno
02-17-2024 B Pr Basil Bell
28 Bible Teachings
Matthew 6 3: Knowing God as your Father
02-17-2024 Pr Basil Bell
28 Enseñanzas Bíblicas
Mateo 6 3:   Conociendo a Dios como tu Padre
02/10/2024 Pr Zapata
Bible Teachings
1 John 5:7 2:  The Holy Trinity
02-10-2024 Pr Zapata
28 Enseñanzas Bíblicas
1 Juan 5:7 2: La Santa Trinidad
02-03-2024 B Pr Basil Bell 2 Timothy 3:16
  1.  The Bible Only
    Sola Scriptura
01/27/2024 Pr Harold Zapata Jeremias 33:1 Confiando en Dios en la Oscuridad 
01/20/2024 Pr Basil Bell Hebrews 13:5 I Will Never Leave You or Forsake You 
01/20/2024 Pr Basil Bell Hebreos 13:5 Jamas de dejare o desamparare
01/13/2024 Pr Harold Zapata Jeremiah 29:11 God Will Take Care of You 
01/13/2024 Pr Harold Zapata Jeremias 29:11 Dios cuidara de ti  
01/06/2024 B Pr Basil Bell Psalms 138:8 Your ways, Not My Ways
Tus Caminos, no los mios









Recent Services

September 30, 2023

English Worship Service with Pr Raul Gomez
Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37)

Adoracion Divina con Pr Leonardo Alvarez

September 23

English Worship Service with Jorge Montoya
Adoracion Divina con Jorge Montoya

September 15, 2023

Part 9: Final Shofar Sound - It is Done
Study Only (Estudia Solo Bilingue)

September 14, 2023

Part 8: Unveiling the Abomination of Desolation
Study Only (Estudia Solo Bilingue)

September 13, 2023

Part 7:  Unveiling the Cleansing of the Sanctuary
Study Only (Estudia Solo Bilingue)

September 12, 2023

Sanctuary Part 6: Unveiling Pontifex Maximus' Assassination Attempt
Study Only (Estudia Solo Bilingue)

September 11, 2023

Sanctuary Part 5: The Deadly Plot Against the Sanctum
Study Only (Estudia solo Bilingue)

September 10, 2023

Sanctuary part 4:  Unveiling the Inner Sanctum (Deselvando El Interior Del Sanctum) Bilingue
Study Only (Estudia Solo Bilingue)

September 09, 2023

Sanctuary Part 2: Unveiling The Guardian's Refuge (Desvelando El Refugio del Guardian)
Study Only (Estudia Solo Bilingüe)

Sanctuary Part 3: Friends in High Places (Amigos en Lugares Altos - Bilingüe)
Study Only (Estudia Solo Bilingüe)

September 02, 2023

English Worship Service

Adoracion Divina

August 26, 2023

Joint Worship Service (Bilingual) with Pastor Bell - The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus

John 18: The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus - Do NOT miss this one

August 19, 2023

English Worship Service with Pastor Zapata
John 15:  The Key to Life Success

Adoracion Divina con Pr Zapata
Juan 15: La Llave de Todo Exito de Vida

August 12, 2023

Worship Service - John 14: The Holy Spirit - with Pastor Bell:  Bilingual
John 14 - The Holy Spirit 

August 05, 2023

English Worship Service with Pr Zapata
John 13: The Washing of Regeneration

Adoracion Divina con Pr Zapata
Juan 13: El Lavamiento de la Regeneracion

July 29, 2023

Vacation Bible School Presentation - Bilingual

July 22, 2023

English Worship Service with Pr Zapata
Transitioning Times

Adoracion Divina con Pr Zapata
Transicion de Tiempos

July 15, 2023

Bilingual Joint English - Spanish Worship with Pr Bell
Jesus in the Gospel of John

July 08, 2023

English Worship Service with Pastor Zapata: John 10
John 10:  The Sacrificial Pastor and the Saved Sheep

Adoracion Divina con Pr Zapata: Juan 10
Juan 10:  El Pastor Sacrificial y las Ovejas Salvas

July 01, 2023

English Worship Service with Pastor Villanueva
Let Freedom Ring

Adoracion Divina con Ladislao Maldonado
El Personaje Supremo de la historia

June 24, 2023

English Worship with Pastor Zapata John 9 part 2
Enlightened in a world of Blindness

Adoracion Divina

June 17, 2023

Bilingual Worship Service with Pastor Bell
Fatherhood (Bilingual) - Pastor Bell

June 10, 2023

English Service
Enlightened in a World of Blindness with Pastor Zapata

Adoracion Divina con Pr Zapata
lluminados en un mundo de ceguera  con Pr Zapata

June 03, 2023

Bilingual Worship Service - Are You Thirsty with Pastor Bell
John 7:  Are You Thirsty  with Pastor Bell (Bilingue)

May 27, 2023

English Worship Service with Pastor Zapata
Surprised by Grace 

Adoracion Divina
Sorprendido por Gracia


May 20, 2023

Valley Adventist Christian School Presentation

May 13, 2023

English Worship Service with Pastor Zapata (Magnificent Mothers)
Magnificent Mothers

Adoracion Divina (Pr Zapata) - Magnificas Madres
Magnificas Madres 

May 06, 2023

Worship Service - Bilingue (Pr Bell) (Tragic End of John 6)
The Tragic End of John 6

April 29, 2023

English Worship Service with Pastor Harold Zapata (Living Water on Parched Lips)
Living Water on Parched Lips 

Adoracion Divina con Pr Harold Zapata - Agua de Vida en Labios Secos
Agua de Vida en Labios Secos

April 22, 2023

Adoration Divina - Worship Service - Bilingue:  The Startling Claims of Jesus with Pr Bell
The Startling Claims of Jesus - Bilingue

April 15, 2023

English Worship Service  - John 1:14 Full of Grace and Truth with Pastor Zapata
John 1:14 - Full of Grace and Truth

Adoracion Divina - Juan 1:14 con Pastor Zapata
Juan 1:14 - Lleno de gracia y verdad

April 08, 2023

Worship Service - Bilingue: John chapter 3 with Pastor Bell
John 3: God's Love for You - Bilingue

April 01, 2023
English Worship Service with Pastor Zapata
Jesus the Word of God

Adoracion Divina con Pr Zapata
Jesus El Verbo de Dios

March 25, 2023
English Worship Service with Pastor Bell
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Mark 15:42-47) - Pastor Bell

Adoracion Divina con Pr Bell
La Resurreccion de Cristo - Pr Bell

March 18, 2023

Divine Worship (Bilingue) with Pastor Dan Smith
I Once Was Blind but Now I SeeBilingüe.  Study Only

March 11, 2023

Divine Worship - Seven Dips in the Jordan with Pastor Villanueva
Seven Dips in the Jordan - Study Only

Adoracion Divina - Tres hombres se encuentran con Jesús with Ladislao Maldonado
Tres hombres se encuentran con Jesús - Solo Estudio

March 04, 2023

Divine Worship (Adoracion Divina) with Pastor Zapata (Espanol Bilingue)
Preparation for the Latter Rain - Study Only

February 24 - 25, 2023

Three Part Study of Revelation 3 - the Church of Laodicea with Cenia Garcia

Part 1:     Renovation and Transformation (Renovacion y Transformacion)
Part 2:    Gold Tried in the Fire (Oro refinado en fuego) Full Worship Service (Servicio de Adoración Completo)
Part 2:    Gold Tried in the Fire - Study Only (Solo Estudio)
Part 3a:  Clothed in White Raiment  (Vestidos de Blanco)
Part 3b:  Knocking on the Door (Llamando a la puerta)
Part 3c:  Anoint Your Eyes with Eye Salve (Bálsamo para los Ojos)

February 18, 2023

English Worship Service with Steven Gussen
Formula for Growth - Steven Gussen

Adoracion Divina con Ptr Zapata
Ebenezer La ayuda de Jehovah - Ptr Zapata

February 11, 2023

Combined Worship Service with Pastor Zapata (Español Bilingüe)
King David: Thy Rod and Thy Staff  (Español Bilingüe)

February 04, 2023

English Worship Service with Pastor Bell
Rising Above Pain and Troubles - Joseph

Adoracion Divina con Ptr Bell
Por encima del dolor: La historia de Jose

January 28, 2023

English Worship Service with Pastor Zapata
The Covenant's Abundant Resources

Adoracion Divina con Ptr Zapata
Los Recursos Abundantes del Pacto

January 21, 2023

English Worship Service with Pastor Bell
Loving God's Way - Unconditional Love

Adoracion Divina con Ptr Bell
Amando Como Dios Ama

January 14, 2023

English Worship Service with Pastor Villanueva
"NUTS" Lessons from 1 Chronicles 29

Adoracion Divina - Leonardo Alvarez
El Utilmo Elias - Leonardo Alvarez

January 07, 2023

Bilingual Worship Service with Pastor Bell
The Secret to Blessings in the New Year  Bilingual

December 31, 2022

Joint Bilingual Worship Service with Pastor Zapata
Memory, Motivation and Mobilization

December 24, 2022

Joint Bilingual Worship Service with Pastor Bell

Bethlehem and You (Belen y Tu)

December 03, 2022

English Service - God's Character on Display - with Pastor Jorge Montoya
God's Character on Display with Pastor Jorge Montoya

Adoracion Divina - Regalo de Paz  with Pr Valencio Robinson
Regalo de Paz with Pr Valencio Robinson

November 26, 2022

English Worship Service (the Alabaster Box) with Pastor Zapata
The Alabaster Box (Sermon Only)

Adoracion Divina (La cajita de alabastro) Pastor Zapata
La cajita de alabastro  (Sermon Only)

November 4 - 12, 2022

Amazing God Seminar with Pastor Dan (Bilingual)

October 29, 2022

English Worship Service with Pastor Bell (Revival in a Time of Crisis)
Revival in a Time of Crisis (Sermon Only)

October 22, 2022

Joint Bilingual Service with Pastor Dan and Pastor Zapata
Robbers, Passers and Stoppers by Pastor Dan (Sermon Only)

September 03, 2022

English Worship Service with Pastor Harold Zapata
Behold the Lamb: The Abrahamic Lamb

Adoracion Divina by Harold Zapata
El Cordera Abranico by Harold Zapata

August 27, 2022

Bilingual Worship Service: The Edenic Lamb - El Cordero Edenico by Pastor Zapata
The Edenic Lamb - El Cordero Edenico (Sermon Only)

August 20, 2022

English Worship Service with Pastor Harold Zapata
Behold the Lamb of God (Sermon Only)

He Aqui el Cordero de Dios

August 13, 2022

English Worship Service with Pastor Basil Bell
The Wrath of God - Is It Good News? (Sermon Only)

Adoracion En Palabra Pr Basil Bell
La Ira de Dios - ¿Son Buenas Noticias?  (Solo Sermon)

August 06, 2022

English Worship Service with Harold Zapata
Those Who Belong to the Lord (Sermon Only)

Adoracion En Palabra Pr Harold Zapata
Los Que Le Pertenecen al Senor (Solo Sermon)


English Worship Service with Pastor Harold Zapata
Revelation 3: Laodicea

Adoracion En Palabra Ptr Harold Zapata
Apocalypsis 3: Laodicea (Solo Sermon)


English Worship Service with Pastor Harold Zapata
Revelation 3: Philadelphia (Sermon Only)

Adoracion En Palabra Ptr Harold Zapata
Apocalypsis 3: Filadelfia  (Solo Sermon)


Victory Through the Lamb by Pastor Basil Bell (Full Service)
Victory Through the Lamb Bilingual Sermon Only


English Worship Service (Church of Sardis) by Harold Zapata
Revelation 3: The Church of Sardis (Sermon Only)


English Worship Service (Last Great Deception) by Pastor Basil Bell
Revelation 13: The Last Great Deception (Sermon Only)

Adoracion En Palabra (El Ultimo Gran Engano) Pastor Basil Bell
Apocalypsis 13: El Ultimo Gran Engano Ptr Basil Bell

June 25, 2022

English Worship Service with Harold Zapata: The Church at Thyatira 
Revelation 2:18 The Church at Thyatira (sermon only)

Adoracion Divina Servicio Harold Zapata
7 Iglesias en Apocalipsis - Tiatira

June 18, 2022

Beginning and the End - El Principio y el Fin Bilingual full service with Valencio Robinson
Beginning and the End - El Principio y el Fin (Sermon Only)

June 11,02022

7 Churches of Revelation: Pergamos Full Service by Pastor Harold Zapata
7 Churches of Revelation: Pergamos Sermon Only by Pastor Harold Zapata

Adoracion Divina Servicio Completo: 7 Iglesias en Apocalipsis - Pergamo by Harold Zapata
Adoración Divina-Solo Sermón de Pérgamo por el Pastor Harold Zapata

June 04, 2022

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Pastor Basil Bell

Los Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis de Pastor Basil Bell

May 28, 2022

Seven Churches of Revelation - Smyrna by Harold Zapata

Las 7 Iglesias en Apocalipsis - Esmirna de Harold Zapata

May 21, 2022

Worthy is the Lamb - Digno es el Cordero (Revelation 5) by Pastor Basil Bell (Sermon Only)

May 14, 2022

The Seven Churches of Revelation Part 1 by Harold Zapata (Full Service)
The Seven Churches of Revelation Part 1 (Sermon Only)

Las Siete Iglesias del Libro del Apocalipsis  by Harold Zapata (Full Service)
Las Siete Iglesias del Libro del Apocalipsis  (Sermon Only)

May 05, 2022

The Christian Home - Bilingual by Pastor Basil Bell (Sermon Only)

April 30, 2022

The Sanctuary Message in the Book of Revelation by Harold Zapata (Full Service)
Jesus and His Sanctuary - Sermon Only

El Mensaje del Santuario - Full Service - Harold Zapata
El Mensaje del Santuario - Sermon Only

April 23, 2022

Revelation Means Hope by Pastor Basil Bell
Revelation Means Hope - Sermon Only

El Libro de Apocalipsis Servicio Completo 
El Libro de Apocalipsis (Sermon Only) Ptr Basil Bell

April 16, 2022

Heaven and Eternity (Sermon Only) by Harold Zapata

April 02, 2022

The Value of a Soul (El Valor de Unalma) Bilingual by Harold Zapata

March 19, 2022

The End is not Yet (Bilingual Service) by Harold Zapata
The End is not Yet (Sermon Only)

March 12, 2022

How Long, Oh Lord by Jorge Montoya
How Long, Oh Lord (Sermon Only)

Hasta Cuando Senor by Ptr David Perez

March 05, 2022

Salt of the Earth by Pastor Bell
Salt of the Earth (Sermon Only)

Sal de la Tierra by Ptr Bell
Sal de la Tierra (Sermon Only)

February 26, 2022

Fear God by Valencio Robinson
Fear God - Sermon Only

February 19, 2022

A Safeguard against Breakdown by Pastor Bell
Una Salfguardia Contra la Ruptura by Ptr Bell

February 05, 2022

David Livingstone and a Life of Commitment by Pastor Bell
David Livingstone y Una Vida De Compromiso by Pastor Bell

January 29, 2022

Psalm 62: Our Rock and Our Salvation by Pastor Bob

January 22, 2022

A Life of Commitment (Full English Service) with Pastor Bell
A Life of Commitment - Lessons from the Apostle Paul by Pastor Bell

El Compromiso con Dios by Pastor Bell

January 15, 2022

Consulting God (Full Service) by Valencio Robinson
Consulting God (Sermon Only) by Valencio Robinson

January 08, 2022

Watchman, What of the Night? by Harold Zapata
Watchman, What of the Night? (Sermon Only)

Centinela, Que de la Noche? by Harold Zapata
Centinela, Que de la Noche? (Solo Sermon)

January 01, 2022

New Wine for the New Year by Pastor Dan
New Wine for the New Year (Sermon Only)

December 25, 2021

Message from the Manger by Pastor Bell
Message from the Manger (Sermon Only)

December 18, 2021

Evergreen by Raul Gomez
Siempre Verde by Raul Gomez

December 4, 2021

A Sure and Steadfast Anchor for the Soul by Harold Zapata
A Sure and Steadfast Anchor for the Soul (Sermon only)

Un ancla del alm a firme y segura

November 27, 2021

A God Who Needs Praise? by Pastor Dan
A God Who Needs Praise? (Sermon Only) by Pastor Dan

November 20, 2021

When God Intervenes by Lee Gordon
When God Intervenes (Sermon Only)

November 13, 2021

Habakkuk Cries Out "Why So Much Evil?" by Pastor Basil Bell
Habakkuk Cries Out "Why So Much Evil?"  (Sermon Only)

Habacuc y la Maldad (Bilingual)

November 6, 2021

Exploring Heaven's Library by Pastor Bob Villanueva
Exploring Heaven's Library (Sermon Only)

La Controversia! A medida que el se acerca mas se aprecia

October 30, 2021

Passover and Giving Thanks (Bilingual) by Pastor Basil Bell
Passover and Giving Thanks (Sermon Only)

October 23, 2021

Abandoned to the Grace of God by Valencio Robinson
Abandoned to the Grace of God (Sermon Only)

Adoracion En Palabra - Valencio Robinson

October 16, 2021

The Beautiful Mind of Jesus Part II by Pastor Basil Bell
The Beautiful Mind of Jesus Part II (Sermon Only)

La Hermosa Mente de Jesús Parte 2 by Pastor Basil Bell
La Hermosa Mente de Jesús Parte 2 (Solo Sermon)

October 09, 2021

The Will of God: What We Know ... by Steve Gusse
The Will of God: What We Know (Sermon Only)

Muerte en el Sicomoro by Ladislao Maldonado
Muerte en el Sicomoro (Solo Sermon)

October 02, 2021

The Beautiful Mind of Jesus by Pastor Basil Bell
The Beautiful Mind of Jesus (sermon Only)

Como Tener La Mente de Jesus by Pastor Basil Bell
Como Tener La Mente de Jesus (sermon Only)

September 25, 2021

A Love Story by Pastor Bob Villanueva
A Love Story (Sermon Only)

Reavivamiento y Reforma - Leonardo Alvarez

September 18, 2021

A Beautiful Mind by Pastor Basil Bell
A Beautiful Mind (Sermon Only)

September 11, 2021

It's All About Jesus by Pastor Dan
It's All About Jesus (Sermon Only)

September 03, 2021

When Faith Falters Fear by Pastor Bell
When Faith Falters Fear (Sermon Only)

La Fe y el Miedo by Pastor Bell
La Fe y el Miedo (Sermon Only)

August 28, 2021
Experience Heaven by Cornelius Apulu
Experience Heaven (Sermon Only)

Tiempo Perdido o Vida Perdida by Ladislao Maldonado


August 21, 2021
I Don't Get It  by Ruben Escalante
I Don't Get It (sermon only)

Ni Las Moscas by Ruben Escalante

July 31, 2021

Love Beyond Knowledge by Pastor Bell - New Moreno Valley Pastor
Love Beyond Knowledge (Sermon Only)

July 24, 2021
Why  Evangelism by Pastor Dan
Why Evangelism (Sermon Only)

July 17, 2021
Two Meetings by Ruben Escalante
Two Meetings by Ruben Escalante (Sermon Only)

July 10, 2021
Tell the Story - Pastor Dan (full service)
Tell the Story (Sermon Only)
Tell the Story - Bilingual

July 3, 2021
Communion Service 

June 26, 2021
Finding Joy by Sue Yingling
Finding Joy (Sermon Only)

June 19, 2021
Two Pivotal Days - John 11 by Steve Gusse
Two Pivotal Days - Sermon Only
Adoracion En Palabra - Leonardo Alvarez

June 12, 2021  Pastor Dan Smith
50 Days of Consecration - Full Service
50 Days of Consecration - Sermon Only 

June 05, 2021 Pastor Dan Smith
Decaffeinated Christianity (Matthew 13) - Full Service
Decaffeinated Christianity (Sermon Only)

May 29, 2021  Pastor Dan Smith
Kingdom Power - The Beatitudes  (Full Service)
Kingdom Power (Sermon Only)
Servicio de Adoracion en Espanol 

May 22, 2021

Truth is Something You Do: Study in the Gospel of John with Dr Ed Boyatt (Full Service)
Truth is Something  You Do (Sermon only)
Servicio de Adoración en Español (Ladislao Maldonado)


May 15, 2021  Pastor Dan Smith

The Blessing: Matthew 5 (Full Service)
The Blessing: (Sermon only)


May 08, 2021

Full Mother's Day Service

Temptation (Sermon only)

Dia de la Madre (Jesus Te Llama a Corfiar en El by Leslie Aragon)


May 1, 2021  Follow the Star (Matthew 2)

April 24, 2021  Jesus is the One (Genealogy Theology - Matthew 1)

April 17, 2021  Who's Teaching You

April 10, 2021  Dependency Builds Trust

April 03, 2021  Easter Resurrection

March 27, 2021 Triumphal Entry

March 20, 2021  Pilate, Stand Up

March 13, 2021  Sitting Down, They Watched Him There

March 06, 2021  Once I was Blind, Now I See

February 27, 2021  Fire Law - Living Life at the Top

February 20, 2021  Read the Red

February 13, 2021  This is the Day

February 06, 2021  Can You Hear Me Now?

January 30, 2021  The Last 10 Percent

January 23, 2021  Do Whatever He Tells You to Do

January 16, 2021  Where Else Could We Go?

January 09, 2021  The Greatest of All Time

January 02, 2021  New Year's Service 2021

December 26, 2020  Those Religious People

December 19, 2020  Good News.  Great Joy.

December 12, 2020  Today (Includes Special Drama "Happy Birthday Jesus" by The Potter's Clay)

December 05, 2020  Mary Did You Know?

November 28, 2020  Thanksgiving Service (Acts 17)


Additional Past Sermons